詩 篇150:1-6 "你們要在神的聖所讚美他!在他顯能力的穹蒼讚美他!要因他大能的作為讚美他,因他極其偉大讚美他!要用角聲讚美他,鼓瑟彈琴讚美他!擊鼓跳舞讚美他!用絲弦的樂器和簫的聲音讚美他!用大響的鈸讚美他!用高聲的鈸讚美他!凡有生命的都要讚美耶和華!哈利路亞!"
时光飞逝,转眼又到十月。我们于 9 月 28 日返回秘鲁,并于次日抵达。感谢上帝让我们平安抵达秘鲁,感谢弟兄姊妹为我们平安回家祷告。
我 104 岁的母亲于 9 月 12 日星期四在香港去世,我们不能陪在她身边,这让我们非常难过。我的家人为她安排了葬礼,她已于 9 月 28 日火化。然而,我们无法回去看她最后一程。愿神安慰我在香港的家人,并祝福我的两个姐姐和我的弟弟夫妇,除了我(Fiona)之外,他们都从英国、澳大利亚和美国赶来。请为我们的感受祷告,特别为Fiona 心灵的软弱祷告。另外,请为我母亲葬礼后即将离开的姐姐和弟弟夫妇祈祷。
在秘鲁服事时,有些教会在加拿大以为我们是中期宣教士。然而,我们必须让所有人知道,我们是长期宣教。头两年,我们是短期宣教士。后来,我们改成了World Team 的长期宣教士。此外,Tony 于 2022 年 12 月被按立为秘鲁 Alliance Church 传道人。在大流行病期间,我们完成了文学硕士(MCF)课程。
我们必须在这里申请永久居民身份,以便节省每年续签的时间。愿上帝引领我们,让我们能够使用 7 月 9 日在加拿大办理的文件进行申请。我们的申请时限是自我们在加拿大申请之日起六个月。六个月后我们就不能申请了。请为我们能够联系到代理人帮助我们办理申请手续祷告。
Tony & Fiona
或是郵寄支票到到 World Team 7575 Danbro Crescent, Mississauga, Ontario L5N6P9。
Fiona (647) 949-3051 fiona.chan@worldteam.org
Tony (647) 937-3051 tony.tsang@worldteam.org
WeChat ID: Fiona_Chan_MA
WeChat ID: Tsang-kong-wa
Psalm 150: 1- 6 " Praise the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens. Praise him for his acts of power; praise him for his surpassing greatness. Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise him with the harp and lyre, praise him with timbrel and dancing, praise him with the strings and pipe, praise him with the clash of cymbals,
praise him with resounding cymbals. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord".
Time flies and it is October again. We returned to Peru on September 28th and arrive the following day. Thank God for our safe arrival in Peru and thank you brothers and sisters for your prayers to bring us home safely.
My 104-year-old mother passed away on Thursday, September 12, in Hong Kong. It was very sad that we could not be with her. My family arranged her funeral and she has been cremated on September 28th. However, we are unable to go back to see her for her final journey. May God comfort my family in Hong Kong and bless my two sisters and my brother's couple, who have come from the UK, Australia and the USA, except for me (Fiona). Please pray for our feelings, especially for Fiona and the weak ones. Also, please pray for my sisters and brother who will be leaving soon after my mother's funeral.
Some churches thought we were mid-term missionaries while serving in Peru. However, we have to let all know that we are in a long-term missionary journey. The first two years we were short-termers. Later we changed to long-term mission with World Team. In addition, Tony was ordained in December 2022 as pastor under the Alliance Church in Peru. During the pandemic, we have completed the Master of Arts (MCF).
We will continue our ministry in Peru and may God give us strength to adjust ourselves to life there. In addition, we will need to pick up the Spanish again since we were not using, listening and speaking Spanish these last few months. We will be taking courses, attending conversation classes, starting as soon as we get settled. We are not young, but we trust God will look after our age during our studies and the process of learning. Please pray for our efforts to learn and achieve our goals.
We have to apply for permanent resident status here so that we can save time on the annual renewals. May God lead us so that we can apply using the documents we processed in Canada on July 9th. Our time limit to apply is six months from the date we applied in Canada. After six months we cannot apply. Please pray that we will be able to contact an agent to help us with the process.
Please pray for our safety, adjustment to life here and the ministry program in Peru.
With Love In Christ,
Tony & Fiona
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